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发布时间:2012年9月26日  来源: 佛山专业刑事辩护律师

  after persuing the agreement concluded between the ministry ofcommunications in the kingdom of saudi arabia and the ministryof communications in the republic of china which was made on th-e basis of the saudi council of ministers' decision no. 1008 da-ted 10/7/1397h in respect of providing the saudi ministry of co-mmunications with experts and technicians nominated by the chin-ese ministry of communications and selected by saudi ministry ofcommunications, and in compliance with the desire of the two pa-rties to renew this agreement to adhere with the decision issuedby the civil service council under no. 750 dated 11/9/1403h withregard to the salaries and privileges paid to the chinese exper-ts and technicians in all governmental agencies, the two minist-ries agreed on the following:
  article one purpose of the agreement
  chinese ministry of communications shall provide the saudi mini-stry of communications with a number of experts and technicians
  according to the requirements of the saudi ministry to work inthe fields of highways and transport in the following specializ-ations:
  1 roads and bridges maintenance
  2 bridge design
  3 highway design
  4 laboratory for highway materials
  5 air photo survey
  6 topographic survey
  7 traffic planning and safety
  8 computer
  9 statistics
  10 transportation planning
  11 construction control
  12 electrical engineering
  13 architectural engineering
  14 hydrology
  article two method of selecting experts
  1 the saudi ministry of communications shall send to the chineseministry of communications a list of the number of experts it
  requires, the list shall include the qualifications, speciali-ties and years of experience required for the canididate.
  2 the chinese ministry of communications shall send to the saudiministry of communications the names of the experts and techn-icians selected for this purpose together with copies of the
  academic and experience certificates for each expert with a s-ummary of the positions and works carried out by him as well
  as the researches he might have performed. with a provision t-hat each expert shall be proficient in the english language i-ncluding writing, speaking and reading.
  3 upon receiving the nomination, the saudi ministry of communic-ations shall within two weeks notify the chinese ministry of
  communications of its selections and take the necessary actionfor obtaining working visas for them. the accepted experts sh-all arrive in the kingdom of saudi arabia within four weeks a-fter receiving their entry visas.
  article three expert financial rights
  1 the rules set forth in the non-saudi's employment regulationissued by no. (45) dated 1/8/1398h, and any future modificati-ons therein shall be applied on the chinese experts and techn-icians working in the saudi ministry of communications includ-ing allowances and privileges setforth in the aforesaid regul-ation, (i.e. housing allowance, airtickets, transportations a-llowance, travel allowance, official holidays and vocations a-nd end of service compensation).
  2 the salaries of the chinese experts and technicians shall befixed according to the salaries fixed to similar experts in t-he non-saudi's employment regulation with the addition of 100%(one hundred percent) ”salary (according to qualification a-
  nd specialty) × 2 + allowance experience.”
  3 experts and technicians whose salaries according to the exist-ing agreement are higher than the salaries fixed according to
  paragraph (2) above, they will continue to receive their pres-ent salaries until the end of their contracts and if the saudiministry of communications wishes to renew their contracts forfurther periods, such contracts shall be renewed in accordancewith the rules set forth in this agreement.
  article four team leader
  the chinese ministry of communications shall assign one of thechinese experts working in the saudi ministry of communications
  to work as team leader in addition to his work in the field ofhis specialty. the team leader selection shall be approved by
  the saudi ministry of communications, and shall coordinate theteam's work.
  article five exchange of visit by engineers, technicians and ot-her concerned personnel
  for the sake of exchange of informations and expertise betweenthe two ministries, it was agreed that both ministries shall or-ganize and manage a program for visit exchange between the engi-neers, technicians and other concerned personnel as follows:
  1 the number of visiting persons shall not exceed (5) five pers-ons each year and the duration of the visit for each person w-ill be two to four weeks.
  2 for the purpose of preparing the visit program, each ministry
  shall notify the other ministry with the names and specialtiesof the visiting personnel including academic and experience b-ackground.
  3 each ministry shall bear the travelling expenses of its visit-ing personnel and the receiving ministry shall provide local
  accomodation and transportation facilities.
  article six compliance of the experts with the regulations in t-he kingdom of saudi arabia

  during the existence of the expert in the kingdom of saudi arab-ia, he should be subject to the laws, regulations and instructi-ons applicable thereof. however, any violation in his service d-uties he shall be subject to non saudis employment regulation a-nd civil service disciplanary.
  article seven effective date of the agreement
  this agreement shall be effective from the date of its signatureby the two parties. for those experts whose contracts were rene-wed before this agreement, their contracts shall remain valid u-ntil its expiry dates, thereafter it shall be renewed in accord-ance with the rules set forth in this agreement.
  article eight duration of the agreement
  this agreement shall remain in effect for a period of two years
  and shall automatically be renewed unless either parties notifi-es the other party of his desire to terminate the agreement by awritten notice six months prior to expiry date.
  article nine
  the two ministries shall exert every possible cooperation to fa-cilitate the implementation of this agreement and to achieve th-e objective thereof.
  article ten
  this agreement supercedes all previous agreements.
  article eleven copies of the agreement
  this agreement is made in the english and arabic languages, bothhave the same power. each ministry received one copy.
  this agreement has been signed in riyadh on tuesday december 20,1983. (16/3/1404h).
  for the ministry of communications
  republic of china
  dr. lien chan
  minister of communications
  for the ministry of communications
  kingdom of saudi arabia
  hussein mansouri
  minister of communications

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